In 2018, I took a leap of faith and left my day job to pursue my growing Weddings + Events business. Although my day-job WAS event planning, I always knew I wanted to run my own business and work with my clients in a more personal way. I had been running it as a side hustle since 2015 and now I was ready to jump.
2 years later, 2020 came and so did COVID-19. In just 1 week, I had signed 2 of my biggest corporate events yet and lost them. I had a full plate of Weddings (16) scheduled for the year and was thrown into uncharted territory as city and state guidelines on gatherings changed by the week.
I love working in events because I love problem-solving and stay calm in high-stress situations. Well, check, check. Both of these skills came into play on the daily. Late night zoom calls over wine with clients that had become quick virtual besties. Checklists, upon checklists upon checklists. Calls with vendors to make plans A-Z depending on the guidelines. These filled my days.
I 100% believe that everything happens for a reason. That's not something anyone wants to hear while they are going through it, but choosing to see the light at the end and reflecting back on what you have learned brings peace to tulmutuous times.
So what have I learned? I love what I do - through good times and bad. The people I get to work with, the love I get to witness and relationships that develop remind me that everyday. 2020-2022, though difficult, horrendous at times in what felt like an outright war zone, tattooed on my heart that no matter happens in life, I will forever be, a Wedding Planner.

To my 2020 couples:
We have been THROUGH it. Wedding planning can be hard, but it shouldn't have been THIS hard. I talk about this in every consultation that you are not expected to know how to do this, ESPECIALLY during a pandemic. My number one goal is to take stress off your plate and ensure you get to enjoy the Wedding Planning process. While during a pandemic that wasn't always possible, I hope I was able to bring a moment of relief each time we met. In the end, your love conquered all and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to witness it. I couldn't not have made it through and persevered without you, and I thank you.
Thank you for trusting me to navigate the unknown with you.
Thank you for always choosing safety and love over societal pressure.
Thank you for staying true to who you are and choosing the right path for you.
Thank you for understanding when sometimes, I honestly didn't know the answer and needed to find out.
Thank you for late night Zoom sessions that often went beyond an hour because we just couldn't stop chit-chatting.
Thank you for your patience as my email response time wasn't always timely (especially in Fall of 2021).
Thank you for the beautiful Ceremonies, filled with some much love after all this time.
Thank you for the EPIC dance parties.
Thank you for showing me why I love what I do.
Thank you for becoming life-long friends.